How do you brush your teeth?

A toothbrush is the basis for properly cleaning your teeth. Brush at least 2 x a day (preferably in the morning and in the evening) for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste or a toothpaste with a special effect against, for example, sensitive teeth.

Recommended brushing method: The 2 x 2 rule

The most important thing about brushing is to remove plaque along the gumline. Pay particular attention to the transition from the gums to the teeth.

  1. Brush in front of the mirror and follow a fixed order.
  2. Brush the outside of the teeth. Place the brush at a 45º angle at the transition from tooth and molar to gums (left image). This removes the plaque along the gum line.
  3. Make short back and forth movements without pushing and let the tips of the nylon bristles do the work.
  4. The horizontal movements should overlap and brush each spot for at least 10 seconds.
  5. Brush the inside in the same way and don't forget the back of the back teeth.
  6. Inside front teeth: For the front teeth, place the brush vertically and move the brush up and down with small movements (right image).
  7. Brush the chewing surfaces with a short scrubbing motion.
  8. Finally, brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the perfect toothbrush

It is important when brushing that the plaque along the gum line is brushed well. This not only prevents plaque from turning into tartar, but you also prevent gum infections.